

Tài liệu học của 11Talk được sử dụng miễn phí khi học viên đã đăng ký khóa học
Tìm hiểu sơ về khung điểm CEFR

Let's Go 3

sách này giới thiệu một cách diễn đạt mà học viên có thể sử dụng trong giao tiếp dù ở trường hay ở nhà. Các hoạt động thú vị và được thiết kế cẩn thận để giúp học viên cải thiện.

32 Units

Day 1-32

1. Let's Talk: At School

2. Let's Learn: What does he have?

3. Let's Learn More: Does she have any magnets? Yes, she does.

4. Let's Read: Phonics bl, gl and pl

5. Let's Talk: Clothing

6. Let's Learn: What's she wearing?

7. Let's Learn More: Whose jacket is this? It's Scotts jacket.

8. Let's Read: Phonics br, gr and pr

Review. Unit 1-8

9. Let's Talk: Places

10. Let's Learn: Where's he going?

11. Let's Learn More: How's he going to school? He's going by bus.

12. Let's Read: Phonics cl, fl and sl

13. Let's Talk: Occupations

14. Let's Learn: What's his job? He's a mechanic.

15. Let's Learn More: What does a veterinarian do? A veterinarian helps animals.

16. Let's Read: Phonics cr and fr

Review. Unit 9-16

17. Let's Talk: Activities

18. Let's Learn: What do you do on Monday?

19. Let's Learn More: What does he do on the weekend? He plays outside.

20. Let's Read: Phonics dr and tr

21. Let's Talk: What Time Is It?

22. Let's Learn: What do you do on the weekend?

23. Let's Learn More: When does she play tennis? She usually plays after school.

24. Let's Read: Phonics sw and st

Review. Unit 17-24

25. Let's Talk: Yesterday and Today

26. Let's Learn: It was sunny on Sunday.

27. Let's Learn More: Where were you yesterday? I was at the circus.

28. Let's Read: Phonics sk and sn

29. Let's Talk: My Home

30. Let's Learn: I can't find my skateboard.

31. Let's Learn More: What did you do yesterday? I ate breakfast.

32. Let's Read: Phonics sm and sc

Review. Unit 25-32

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