

Tài liệu học của 11Talk được sử dụng miễn phí khi học viên đã đăng ký khóa học
Tìm hiểu sơ về khung điểm CEFR

Let's Go 5

Sách này bao gồm các cách diễn đạt mà học viên có thể sử dụng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày. Các cách diễn đạt, hội thoại và hoạt động chắc chắn là những cách giúp học viên tập trung và cải thiện các kỹ năng tiếng Anh của mình.

32 Units

Day 1-32

1. Let's Talk: How Much Food?

2. Let's Learn: There are a lot of nuts.

3. Let's Learn More: How much fruit is there? There is a lot of fruit.

4. Let's Read: Dinosaurs

5. Let's Talk: Comparing Animals

6. Let's Learn: Which one is faster?

7. Let's Learn More: Which one is more colorful? The fish is more colorful.

8. Let's Read: What Do You Know about Animals

Review. Unit 1-8

9. Let's Talk: Last Weekend

10. Let's Learn: What was Kate doing?

11. Let's Learn More: Where was Andy this morning? He was at home.

12. Let's Read: A Trip to the Strawberry Farm

13. Let's Talk: Activities

14. Let's Learn: How does Kate dance?

15. Let's Learn More: What does Kate do well? She sews very well.

16. Let's Read: A Tornado in a Bottle

Review. Unit 9-16

17. Let's Talk: The Future

18. Let's Learn: Will Jenny mop the floor?

19. Let's Learn More: What will you do after class? I think I'll go to sleep after class.

20. Let's Read: Elephant Camp

21. Let's Talk: Fun in the Seasons

22. Let's Learn: What did you do last weekend?

23. Let's Learn More: Andy will probably go surfing.

24. Let's Read: Butterflies

Review. Unit 17-24

25. Let's Talk: The Senses

26. Let's Learn: The rainbow looks beautiful.

27. Let's Learn More: How does the mirror feel? The mirror feels smooth.

28. Let's Read: Why Do Foods Taste Different?

29. Let's Talk: New Experiences

30. Let's Learn: Have you ever eaten sushi?

31. Let's Learn More: Have you ever seen a crocodile? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

32. Let's Read: The Dream Catcher

Review. Unit 25-32

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