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Job Interview Questions 1這本書是專為中級學生設計的,它包含任何行業的求職面試中的常見問題。它為學生提供避免陳詞濫調的示例答案和建議。學生將學會自信地回答問題,並且一定會找到工作。 |
20 Units
Day 1-20
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What made you choose your college / university?
3. What is your major?
4. What factors are considered in your chosen field?
5. What kinds of books interest you?
Review. Unit 1-5
6. Say something about the recent book that you have read.
7. Do you have a balanced lifestyle?
8. How many languages do you speak?
9. What is your philosophy in life?
10. Have you ever been employed before?
Review. Unit 6-10
11. How is your personality reflected through the activities you enjoy?
12. How do you see yourself in five years?
13. How have your career motivations changed over the few years?
14. What situations excite and motivate you?
15. What made you decide to take this job at this company?
Review. Unit 10-15
16. What interest you most about this job?
17. Why do you think we should hire you?
18. What factors do you think will maintain your interest in this company?
19. Why did you resign from your previous job?
20. What is your dream job?
Review. Unit 16-20